To each their challenges.
To each
their plan.


Our food marketing plans accompany you in a structured manner, according to your needs, budgets, and growth stage.

Starting out? We help you create your brand image and visualize your product on retailer shelves.

Expanding? We’ll make a powerful impact on the market you’re targeting.


Tell us about your goals; we have a plan for you.

Our Projects


New branding for Sana food brand

Blossom Plan

Are you looking to create a new food brand?

You want your product, still unknown, to make a bang in the hearts of consumers? Count on us to present it in its best light.

Our goal: to create and launch a new brand in a market.
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Our Projects

Sweet Sixteen "Tastes beautiful"

Sweet Sixteen Tastes Beautiful ad campaign

Impact Plan

Make an impact in the market and on shelves.

Your product is top-notch, and you believe in it. Now it’s about giving it the visibility it deserves. We know how to showcase it on the shelves.

Our goal: Increase market penetration.
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Our Projects

Brome Lake Ducks

Brome Lake Ducks take flight again with Braque

Growth Plan

More of your products in more baskets.

Need to increase the awareness of your product? You’ve come to the right place. It’s our job to make it memorable to your audience and place it in both virtual and grocery baskets.

Our objective: Increase sales velocity among consumers.
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Our Projects

Maison Riviera

Maison Riviera Social Media Management

Community Plan

Put your brand top-of-mind.

Knowing how to engage with consumers is essential. Talk to our specialists; they know the score.

Our goal: Keep the brand top-of-mind with consumers, find new consumption opportunities, and nurture emotional connections.
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Our Projects


Packaging and branding development for Johnsonville

Connection Plan

Marketing for your sales team.

We know which buttons to push to persuade decision-makers to choose your product. Winning them over is our specialty.

Objective: Reach B2B decision-makers in the food industry.
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