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Because we are all in business to win

360° Marketing

We are always there to make sure you are at the right place at the right time.

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The agency

Braque is a team of marketing communication experts entirely dedicated to one goal: ensuring your success.

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This is where we share our moods, expert advice, good news and anything that inspires us.

Content marketing for FCC

Braque produced a series of video clips as part of a content marketing mandate for FCC, aiming to highlight local agri-food entrepreneurs to support their growth.

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Resources and Canadian Business Grants for the Food Industry

Starting up and growing your business can be expensive. Did you know several resources and financial aid programmes are available to the agri-food industry? Learn more about them now to receive valuable industry advice and obtain considerable financial support for your food marketing initiatives.

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Mondoux Confectionery Chooses Braque Agency

Braque Agency, a food marketing expert, is delighted to welcome Mondoux as one of its clients.

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