Sweeeeeet Sixteen ad campaign

Advertising Campaign

Sweet Sixteen, a leading confectionery brand, kicks off its summer campaign on a sweeeeet collab with Radio Radio.

Category leader in the confectionery sector, Sweet Sixteen is a flagship brand for candy lovers. Its extensive distribution network ensures a dominant presence at the point of sale, particularly in C&G establishments (convenience stores and gas stations). Following an initial campaign featuring an upbeat song under the theme “Tastes Beautiful” in the winter, Braque decided to pick up the pace to kick off summer on a rather… sweet note!

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The Strategy

Targeted more resolutely towards a young adult female demographic, which already resonates very well with the Sweet Sixteen brand, this campaign aimed to further increase brand recognition in the Quebec and Maritime markets. In the confectionery sector, recognition is almost essential for a brand to be considered by consumers. And to increase this recognition, you need to make a strong impact.

The creatives

After animating various Sweet Sixteen gummies on screen during the winter campaign, Braque chose to apply a completely fresh, rhythmic, and original soundtrack by collaborating with artists from Radio Radio, Gabio, and Jacobus, who are known for their harmonies and rhythms, and whose hits make thousands of fans dance worldwide. The result is a completely lively and original 30-second video that hit social media as soon as it was launched.

The Media

A strategic media mix carries the campaign to the target audience’s screens, whether on traditional TV, pre-rolls, or connected TV, on Meta and TikTok. With such a musically rich creation, it seemed inevitable to deploy the soundtrack on audio platforms like podcasts and Spotify.


In addition, a colourful outdoor advertising presence was deployed on several hundred supports of various formats throughout Quebec and the Maritimes, reminding candy lovers hitting the road for their holidays about the brand.