Impact Plan

Make an impact in the market and on shelves


Our objective: Increase market penetration by getting noticed by consumers, distributors, and retailers.


Your product is top-notch, and you believe in it. Now it’s about giving it the visibility it deserves. We know how to showcase it on the shelves.


Take the market by storm

The first step in retailing a food product is getting it on shelves.


Strengthen your market approach with a marketing plan that creates a tangible impact on consumers and inevitably gets your product onto retailers’ shelves. Stand out with a targeted campaign, innovative promotion, or bold stunt — our team generates ideas that capture consumer attention and make your product a must-have in stores.


The right tools for your team

Support your product launches with shopper marketing programs, including in-store promotions and experiential marketing. Equip your sales teams with professional sales materials that showcase your brand and streamline sales efforts.


Arm yourself with the tools and leverage consumer influence to strategically increase your presence with retailers through a targeted impact campaign with Braque.

Our methodology



  • Create a consumer profile
  • Analyze the market and competition
  • Establish positioning
  • Build the marketing strategy

Campaigns aimed at supporting the penetration of a product on shelves rely on insights revealed during the study of targeted consumer profiles and the market in which the product operates. These brand-specific discoveries will fuel the strategy, creative development, and media planning for maximum impact.

Duration: 1 month or more depending on the required research.


  • Create the advertising concept
  • Develop and negotiate the media plan
  • Produce campaign elements for digital, display, television, radio, and/or social media
  • Deploy and optimize the impact campaign

With the strategy finalized and approved, the creative team will be able to develop a concept that will stand out in an increasingly saturated media landscape. And our media team will prepare an optimal plan to attract the attention of consumers, as well as that of distributors and retailers who will then want to ensure listing your product to avoid missing out on sales.

Preparation duration: 1 to 2 months.

Shopper marketing

  • Highlight the product at the point of sale
  • Develop incentives, promotions, and contests to encourage trial
  • Engage consumers with the product
  • Capture attention with pop-up stores or stunts
  • Support the sales team with quality materials

It takes creativity and ingenuity to make a product stand out in the well-guarded territory of the point-of-sale. Fortunately, our toolbox is full of ideas and tactics that can help your brand capture the imagination and stimulate consumers’ taste buds, in keeping with your distribution network and budget.
Preparation duration: 1 to 2 months.


Shopper marketing

  • Create a consumer profile
  • Analyze the market and competition
  • Establish positioning
  • Build the marketing strategy

It takes creativity and ingenuity to make a product stand out in the well-guarded territory of the point-of-sale. Fortunately, our toolbox is full of ideas and tactics that can help your brand capture the imagination and stimulate consumers’ taste buds, in keeping with your distribution network and budget.
Preparation duration: 1 to 2 months.


Shopper marketing

  • Create the advertising concept
  • Develop and negotiate the media plan
  • Produce campaign elements for digital, display, television, radio, and/or social media
  • Deploy and optimize the impact campaign

It takes creativity and ingenuity to make a product stand out in the well-guarded territory of the point-of-sale. Fortunately, our toolbox is full of ideas and tactics that can help your brand capture the imagination and stimulate consumers’ taste buds, in keeping with your distribution network and budget.
Preparation duration: 1 to 2 months.


Shopper marketing

  • Highlight the product at the point of sale
  • Develop incentives, promotions, and contests to encourage trial
  • Engage consumers with the product
  • Capture attention with pop-up stores or stunts
  • Support the sales team with quality materials

It takes creativity and ingenuity to make a product stand out in the well-guarded territory of the point-of-sale. Fortunately, our toolbox is full of ideas and tactics that can help your brand capture the imagination and stimulate consumers’ taste buds, in keeping with your distribution network and budget.
Preparation duration: 1 to 2 months.